Thursday, June 20, 2019

Kant's Metaphysics of Morals, the Importance of Duty Essay

Kants Metaphysics of Morals, the Importance of Duty - Essay ExampleAll of which were important aspects in the incorrupt determination of the will that would contrue an act as moral or ethical. Kants normative ethics posits that the best way to act morally is to act from duty with the consideration of the highest true. That is, acting through the moral determination of the will. Kants acting through the moral determination of will meant that the need of ones action must be engage with the good without destine which is intrinsically good by itself. He formulated his deontological ethics in a prostrate imperative of doing good for the sake of good disregarding of its consequence. The three propositions of moral determination of the will are as follows Universal Law formulation which is to act only on that maxim through which you brook at the homogeneous time will that it should become a universal legality. This means that if one is to act good, that will should not be subject ed to any condition or any physical constraints. Humanity or End in Itself formulation which posits to act in such a way that you always shroud humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. This meant the free will is a source of rational action. And that humanity, is not just a result of an action but also the motivation of such action and how the action is carried out. A logical free will should therefore be an end itself because an end is subjective that they needed to be pursued whereas, the rationale action is objective and therefore must be categorically pursued. Kingdom of Ends formulation is the integration of the premier two laws that says all maxims as act from our own hypothetical making of law ought to harmonize with a possible kingdom of ends. This meant an autonomous will is not subject to anything but it must bind itself to the first two laws to make it applicable to everybody tha t people by themselves are both a means and an end. In sum, Kingdom of Ends formulation meant that the end and the means must be harmonized to be good and this is applicable to all circumstances without exemption. Kant explained the etymology of the expression of his deontological ethics. According to Kant, imperatives imply what they just meant which are commands such as rout out up early. Often they are hypothetical imperative because they only serve a specific objective or purpose such as wake up early so you will not be later for work. This imperative or command becomes categorical when it is applied universally and that the actions and decisions of individuals are to be judged solely by their motivations and that the consequences do not librate morally (as in the case of hypothetical imperative) neither the intended consequences nor the actual consequences matter morally only the principle or rule we follow if we do the action matters morally. In simpler terms, this meant doi ng what is good regardless of consequence and that by doing is an end by itself. Thus, actions themselves become an end and this action should be a rational result in the exercise of freewill. In the example stated, categorical imperative dictates to wake up early because it is good to wake up early even without considering ones need not to be late for work. Consistent to this, Kants categorical imperative states that every person has the duty to use and exercise his goodness/humanity as a means to an end. The application of Kants second law of categorical imper

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